
So Far, So Good...

It's been two weeks since I started the first draft of my first novel and I feel...pretty good. I've completed 4 chapters out of my plotted 46 (subject to change). Already I can tell that no matter how much world building I did before, I am still world building as I write. Sometimes it's little things like background events that play no role in the main story, but add depth to characters or new plants and creatures my characters encounter. Other times, its quick interactions with unnamed side characters.

I plotted out most of my story. All the major events and the focus of each chapter are preplanned. It isn't until I sit down and write do I realize there is still so much I don't know about my own world and it's inhabitants. While writing from the father's perspective for a scene, I had the opportunity to tell his background but I hadn't thought of it until then. I didn't think about it before because I didn't think I would need it. It's the little details I am creating on the go.

I've hit my daily word count of 2,000 words every day (Woohoo). It's not too big, but not too small and I'm completing a chapter about every other day. At this rate, I should finish my first draft within my deadline of February 1st. I'll share a post about my thoughts on writing goals and self-imposing a deadline later, so stay tuned for that.

I'll be sure to keep posting little updates like this as well as posting about other writing related topics.

Until next time,

R.E. Jaymes

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