Meet Me

 The name is Jaymes. R. E. Jaymes.

A lover of the written word, I spent much of my childhood with my nose stuck in a book or making up my own stories to entertain myself. I tested gifted in creativity in elementary school, but was never given a chance to thrive outside of the library. In third grade, I thought about writing my first book. Like all kids, I changed my mind multiple times before I settled on writing as my career path in high school. I graduated from a local community college with an Associate's Degree in Creative Writing and an Associate's Degree in English. I went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in English a few years later. It was around this time I started creating the world that would become the Great Continent. Before I knew it, I was plotting out the first draft of my epic fantasy series, Elements of Magic.

When I'm not writing (or reading), I'm...okay, so all I do is read and write. Nothing wrong with that!

Let's do a quick fire round of questions since I'm so boring.

Age: That weird age where you feel older than you are.

Relationship Status: Painfully single.

Family: A lot. I'm the youngest of 6 (including my step-siblings).

Pets: Two cats.

Favorite Color: Green.

Favorite Movie: In what genre? I'll watch anything I find interesting or entertaining.

Favorite TV Series: Ghost Hunters

Favorite Book: In what genre? I'll read anything I find interesting or entertaining.

Favorite Dinner Sesame Chicken and Crab Rangoon from my local Chinese restaurant.

Least Favorite Food: Cherries...anything cherry flavored, mint...anything mint flavored.

Favorite Music: Really anything but gospel. If you can't tell by now, I'm not a picky person.

Favorite Quote: If I were a bird, I know who I'd shit on.

Favorite Word: Trumpery. Google it.

Most Used Social Media Site: Pintrest! I have others, but I'm on Pintrest everyday. It's a problem.

Greatest Fear: FOF (fear of falling)

Well, there you have it. I'm plain and doing very little with my life that isn't writing my book. Either way, I hope you stick around as I update the untold crazy adventure that is writing a novel.

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