
Let's Get Started

Well, the day is finally here!

After weeks and weeks of world building, character creating, plotting, and more plotting, I am finally ready to sit down and start writing my first novel. And is it going to be a doozy.

Think Tolkien meets Martin.

There's a fellowship, magical creatures, a (by Mr. Sanderson's definition) hard magic system, violent, sex, and yes, dragons. Multiple different types of dragons too. I've did a lot of homework to put my own twist on the genres and the tropes that we love to hate.

For the next four months, I am going to put everything I've got into writing the first draft. I project a 200,000 words count when completed. (Got that by multiplying the number of my planned chapters with the estimated chapter length!) That's about 1,600 words a day, but I'm going to challenge myself a try for 2,000 words a day with 1,600 being the minimum I'm allowed.

You can follow my progress with the progress bars on the right side of the blog. I hope to share excerpts and maybe a few whole chapters once I start the writing process (slightly dreading that), so be sure to stay tuned for that next year.

You read right! Next year, I can start editing my novel with the hope of publication by the fall of 2024. Let's cross our fingers and hope all goes well.

Until then, follow my writing journey along as I try not to crash and burn.


R. E. Jaymes

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